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Hearing Loss Evaluation

Dr. Joseph Hegarty and our Doctors of Audiology offer the highest quality medical evaluation of your hearing loss.  This includes a detailed audiogram (hearing test), microscopic ear examination and explanation of the results.  We will help you determine the cause of your hearing loss as well as options for treatment.

Tinnitus (Ear Ringing) Evaluation

Tinnitus is often a sign of hearing loss and as such a thorough hearing test is performed to assess the cause of the ear ringing.  Dr. Hegarty looks for the cause of your tinnitus, with additional tests if necessary, to ensure the best treatment.  He offers many treatments for this problems, including medications, sound masking and sound habituation. 

Ear Wax removal

Cerumen (ear wax) is a common cause of hearing loss and ear ringing and will be removed for you painlessly with a surgical microscope, microinstruments and occasionally, a gentle suction.  We do not use ear flushing techniques.

Hearing Aids (click here for additional information)

All hearing aids are the same, right?  WRONG.
Getting the correct hearing aid is based on many factors, including the type of hearing loss, the listening environments, the shape of the ear canal, the presence of tinnitus (ear ringing) and most importantly hearing aid programming.  Dr. Hegarty and our Doctors of Audiology work together in selecting the best aid based on these factors and have significant experience working with hearing impaired patients.

Dizziness Evaluation & Treatment

Colorado Springs Ear Associates specializes in the care of patients with balance problems and is the primary referral center for Dizziness in Southern Colorado.  We have an on-site balance testing laboratory that enables Dr. Hegarty to determine the cause of the dizziness and allow prompt treatment.  Some of the causes of dizziness are described below.

  • BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo)
    This is a very common condition causing spinning vertigo.  Also known as "crystals in the ear," this type of vertigo occurs frequently in bed or rolling over in bed.  A simple head maneuver done in the office is usually curative. 
  • Meniere's Disese
    This inner ear disease causes fluctuating hearing loss, ear fullness, ear ringing and episodes of vertigo.  It is due to too much inner ear fluid pressure (too much endolymph) and it is often likened to the eye condition glaucoma. Both medical and surgical treatments are available to control this condition. 
  • Labyrinthitis
    An inner ear infection, otherwise known as a viral Labyrinthitis, causes the most severe of all forms of vertigo (a feeling of true motion when you know you are not moving).  Often, a cold virus (URI) will enter the ear after days to weeks of smoldering in the nose.  Once in the inner ear, the virus will damage the balance nerve and paralyze it.  This results in spinning vertigo that takes days to weeks to improve.  Once the crisis of vertigo resolves, motion sensitivity occurs and may be prolonged.  Medications and balance therapy are helpful for this condition.
  • Vestibular Migraine
    This problem is far more common than is currently diagnosed and treated.  This condition is intermittent and not always seen in patients with migraine headache.  We think of this condition as mini "seizure-like" activity in the balance center of the brain (brainstem).  Motion sensitivity with episodes of vertigo make it difficult to distinguish from Menieres.  Treatments include food restrictions, balance therapy and medications.

Ear Infections

Same day appointments are usually available for painful ear infections.  Medical, and sometimes surgical, treatments are offered for prompt resolution of symptoms.